Chimera is a fully student-designed hybrid rocket engine, capable of delivering 500N of thrust. Chimera is a hybrid rocket engine, using a solid fuel, and a liquid oxidiser.
The fuel - high-density polyethylene (HDPE) - is non-volatile, yet extremely powerful. When combined with liquid nitrous oxide (N2O), it is capable of delivering high performance, while being significantly safer than common alternatives.


In July 2023, after three years of engine development, our propulsion team hot-fired Chimera at the Race to Space competition at the Westcott Space Cluster in Buckinghamshire.
This made GU Rocketry the first Scottish student team to hot-fire their engine!
The propulsion team, equipped with the experience of their first engine, are now moving onto more advanced and, perhaps more excitingly, more powerful engines!
The development of Chimera​ would not have been possible without the generous support of our sponsors, who provided our team with parts, machining and support over the three years of development.
In particular, we would like to thank:
Coidan Graphite
Thyssenkrupp Materials UK
The James Watt School of Engineering

We'd also like to thank the Race to Space team and Satellite Applications Catapult for hosting and organising the competition, and Protolaunch for all their assistance with the test site!